How To Build Business Credit FAST 2022 feat. Tommy Thornburg
The discussions between Justin Colby and various speakers emphasize the importance of legitimizing a business by obtaining the necessary credentials and building separate credit profiles for the business. They highlight the significance of good personal credit and the potential for leveraging business credit for various financial opportunities beyond wholesaling, such as fix and flip, credit card advances, and corporate credit cards. The partnership with Prime Corporate Services is lauded for educating individuals on entity structure, tax strategy, and estate planning. The narrative underscores the potential for leveraging business credit and maximizing tax benefits for real estate investors, while also acknowledging the challenges and the need for patience and perseverance in building business credit. Overall, the discussions provide valuable insights into the process of building and leveraging personal and business credit for financial opportunities and tax benefits, as well as the importance of proper entity structure and tax planning. They also emphasize the value of having an 800 credit score by the age of 18 and the significance of understanding and leveraging personal and business credit to access financial opportunities and ease the process of running a business.
The discussions between Justin Colby and various speakers emphasize the importance of legitimizing a